Audio Curriculum


Listening feeds our intellectual sharpness and tunes our brain faster than any other skill. It is one of the most important skills you can have, and the one we are in danger of losing in a world of digital distraction and information overload. Listening, unlike hearing requires your full attention. 

The Star Guide will help you develop core mindsets and internal though processes for a lifetime of success.


01. Metaphysics

02. Sacred Text & Teachings of the World

03. Confidence

04. Self Mastery / Discipline / Self-Worth

05. Visualization / Manifestation/ Meditation

06. Intuition / Emotions / Mental Health

07. Holistic Health & Nutrition

08. The Arts & Culture

09. Entrepreneurship, Investment & Money

Digital Workbooks

The digital workbooks combine with audio to help you get closer to your dream. Stars must learn and develop important life skills, problem solve, think critically and make good choices in order to reach their dreams. The workbook pages can be turned into a beautiful personalized tool kit that includes your authentic voice and unique reflections of what you've learned

Your Goals

Create a roadmap to achieve your dreams. It all starts with setting the right kind of goals and understanding how we go about achieving them.

Morning Routine

Learn the one thing you must master for your life will change forever.


Sacred texts to help you navigate a spiritually diverse world. 


Learn to articulate your feelings and thoughts through visual communication.

Your Guide To Greatness

Sharpen your brain’s ability to draw on internal and external cues in making fast, in-the-moment decisions.


Recognize your two primary emotions so you can understand thoughts, feelings, and behavioral responses to add to your toolkit.

Mental Health

Understand how to care for your mind and effectively communicate in relationships with others and yourself.

Your Voice Power

Uncover, develop, and bravely use your authentic voice to confidently pursue your dreams.


Proper focus will lead you to your dream. It is the gateway to all thinking: learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making.

Health & Nutrition

Understand all aspects that affect your overall health and the science that shows how interconnected all of our body systems are.

Skin Care

Our skin is our largest organ, the one we wear on the outside that protects us from sickness and infection and is the entranceway to our blood system.


We arrive on earth in a body. It is the most brilliant machine ever created. Learn how it works to support your dreams.

Digital Currencies

Learn the systems of money around the world.

Business Plan

Outline how you will make money and what products or services you will offer. 

Keys To Life

Learn about managing everything you need to do to pursue your dreams and that includes lots of fun!


Most Kids Say They Have a Crush

About 80% of kids say they have a crush on someone. A lot of boys and girls feel private about their crushes, with 40% saying they keep their feelings quiet. But 60% said they talk to others about the people they like. This is according to

Kids Talk About Crushes Here

This course is closed for enrollment.