Star Message

You've been on earth at least a decade now. The one who holds the sun, stars and moon in the sky created you and set a wish in your heart, aka your dream. Now it's time to develop your mind to create the experiences your heart desires. All sorts of things can ignite your spark. Do something new. Here are a few things you can do.

Open Auditions

No Experience Required

Subjects that will be covered in this very fun and informative podcast range from hilariously funny to special guests who inspire and empower girls through stories of triumph and femininity. Each season 3 new girls will lead interviews and discussions, research topics and learn all aspects of production leading to a broadcast available to all members.  


Be You. Add Art.

The blog is available to all star club members. You can submit blogs to be considered for campus publishing.

Year Book

You can join the team who creates our 2022 year book. Visit Year Book in your Links to learn more.

Guide To Greatness

Get started on your Star Book. Your first download is available and only takes 15 minutes to complete.